Leadership 2022 Style

From the Founder of a start-up to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, leadership is all about inspiring others. Pre-pandemic, in addition to being a motivator, leadership was defined as being: Visionary, Strong, Smart, Commanding, Driven, Decisive, and At the Front of the Room. The pandemic has uprooted norms across the world. It forced


ESG – This Driver of Value is Here To Stay

ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance – refers to a set of criteria by which companies are evaluated, which considers the broader impacts of company operations on key stakeholders, specifically the E: environment, S: customers, suppliers, communities, and society, and G: leadership, employees, and shareholder rights. It can include corporate performance in a wide variety of


It’s Urgent – Succession Planning In A Post-COVID World

Succession planning is smart business for businesses of all sizes. From Fortune 1000’s to small, family-owned operations, preparing now for the inevitability of turnover in key leadership positions means avoiding instability and disruption in the future. The COVID crisis has imparted an urgency to this issue as many companies have begun contemplating the consequences of


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) – A Post-Pandemic Imperative for Companies Across the Globe

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are serious topics for businesses everywhere. Building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace was a pre-COVID priority, as many companies had already created positions and initiatives to address DEI issues, including discrimination in talent acquisition, lack of race and gender diversity in teams, departments, and management, as well as