Good Executive Recruiting – The Basics Still Apply

In this age of AI, the use of tools such as AI-driven talent search and assessment platforms are pervasive. However, when it comes to excellence in Executive Search, the human touch remains indispensable. While certain tools have had technological updates, the behavioral and analytical skills needed to turn human interaction into successful recruitment remain essential.


An Aging Workforce – The Solution, Not the Problem

Insights from Jūratė Kubilienė and Irma Simonkevičienė, Co-Founders of Simple Search and Managing Partners of IMSA Search Global Partners Lithuania It’s a fact, the global workforce is aging. In Lithuania in 2024, for the first time more people will retire than enter the job market. In Germany, Japan, and Italy, the 55+ cohort accounts for


IMSA Search 2023/2024 Global Trends Report

2023 was a year of evolution in the workplace. Read our Global Trends Report – Leading in the Evolving Workplace for more about what top global executive search professionals are thinking about right now. IMSA Search 2023/2024 Global Trends Report Download


Global Trends Report / Moving Past Covid

2021 was a complicated year filled with change, challenges, and opportunities. Read our Global Trends Report – Moving Past Covid for more about what top global executive search professionals are focused on today.