Post-Covid Decision-Making for Today’s Leaders

The current business environment is complex at best, disjointed and disrupted at worst. Post-covid talent market is tight and employee demands have shifted. The global supply chain remains tumultuous, showing little if any sign of returning to order in the near term. Technology is evolving rapidly, driving a deluge of new platforms and other tech


Customer Service Drives Value and Growth

Whether B2B or B2C, providing a superior experience for customers drives success. In the chaos brought about by Covid, work became remote, and customers doubled down on online purchasing. Businesses built new platforms to meet online demand, and customer service (CS) centers had to keep pace. Moving beyond the pandemic, companies must assess whether their



Today’s CEOs have a lot on their minds. Buffeted by the Covid pandemic-now-endemic, they have led companies through significant economic, political, and social disruptions. As business and society become more intertwined, corporate leaders are having to address social challenges such as ESG/sustainability, DEI, and others. The CEO job description has expanded beyond day-to-day business and


Essential Leadership Skills For A “Work Anywhere Anytime” World

Covid has changed the workplace forever. While working remotely began as a virus-driven imperative, its success has made it an option in most corporate structures. The hybrid/remote model is here to stay, and new leadership skills are needed to succeed in this “work anywhere anytime” world. Planning and Communications Skills Are Key Today’s leaders face


The Future of Food: A Conversation with Khalil Mansour, Food Expert

At IMSA Search Global Partners, our clients rely upon us to identify top tier candidates, leaders who can drive companies through today’s uncertainty to deliver future success. Partnering with companies across industries and across the globe, we spot emerging trends and determine the knowledge and skills necessary to harness them. We regularly engage in conversations


Job Titles Today

Tectonic shifts in the work world are driving the creation of new positions and accompanying titles. To stay current and fuel growth, management must continually identify new priorities and create corresponding jobs with direct responsibility for these new priority areas. New Careers for the Next Generation As new generations enter the workforce, new careers emerge


Supply Chain Disruption and Building Resiliency

Before the pandemic disrupted business and economies worldwide, most company supply chains were optimized for cost and speed – deliver the goods at the lowest cost in the shortest amount of time. Agility and the ability to pivot quickly in the face of changing conditions on the ground were prioritized only by the most forward-thinking


Reimagining Corporate Purpose As We Start 2022

As 2022 begins, many of us thought we would be putting the COVID-19 pandemic behind us and charging full steam ahead into a post-COVID world. However, with the emergence and rapid spread of the Omicron variant, as cases continue to increase around the world, we must admit to the reality that COVID is still with


Cybersecurity – The #1 Risk Business Leaders Can’t Afford to Ignore

The risk of cybercrime to businesses of all sizes is very real, with significant costs, and can no longer be ignored. Planning ahead is essential to ensuring business continuity. Cybersecurity Ventures, a leading researcher and online resource for the global cyber economy projects global cybercrime costs to increase by 15% per year, reaching $10.5 trillion


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) – A Post-Pandemic Imperative for Companies Across the Globe

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are serious topics for businesses everywhere. Building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace was a pre-COVID priority, as many companies had already created positions and initiatives to address DEI issues, including discrimination in talent acquisition, lack of race and gender diversity in teams, departments, and management, as well as