How to stay strong? Business under coronavirus threat

Coronavirus side-effects for the companies: costs cutting, rethinking the supply chains, reshaping the business models. What the managers need to handle the challenges? IMSA Search investigates business in the times of Covid-19. The Economy is facing a major turbulence. According to BBC, more than 50 countries have cut interest rates in the desperate move to


Hiring Freeze mistakes, and how to avoid them in 5 steps

The COVID-19 health crisis has shaken many companies and industries lately. Nobody imagined that their supply chain could be severely affected overnight, and/or their sales could plunge by up to 80%. Article by Lizette Ibarra, IMSA Mexico Obviously, one of the first consequences is personnel reduction, and many companies choose to immediately move to “hiring


The coronavirus outbreak will affect the way people work and search for jobs. Here is why

Turmoil has engulfed the world, with stock markets sinking, supply chains breaking and quarantine laws being introduced throughout the major economies. How will the coronavirus pandemic affect the future of work? We’ve asked the IMSA Search members to share their thoughts. IMSA Search: The current situation is hitting the many different layers of global economy.